I Got Fired Last Week

So, I’ve just been made redundant, whilst on paternity leave with my first son. In the sheer panic of ’things a person should probably do’, it made sense to have an outlet and as therapy costs money, this made sense. This noble mission quickly evolved into something that might help other people that were fired, made redundant, dishonourably discharged... or anything else causing a person to be out of work. Here we discuss the challenges and opportunities of searching for work. If you’re feeling lost, overwhelmed, uninformed or uninspired, this is for you! Happy Listening!

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Tuesday Jan 16, 2024

Hey there.
Happy New Year to you and your families.
In this episode, I had a rich discussion with Tolu on what it means to stay and grow at one organisation. He spent 12 years at SKY and was made redundant as a Senior Leader. The difference is that he genuinely WANTED to be made redundant.
This is part 2.
This conversation changed my life. Hope you enjoy it.

Tuesday Jan 02, 2024

Hey there.
Happy New Year to you and your families.
In this episode, I had a rich discussion with Tolu on what it means to stay and grow at one organisation. He spent 12 years at SKY and was made redundant as a Senior Leader. The difference is that he genuinely WANTED to be made redundant.
This conversation changed my life. Hope you enjoy it.

Wednesday Dec 06, 2023

PART 2!!
Hey there.
10 episodes in… and we’re only getting better.
I want to introduce you to my first guest… Sarah Alonge. As well as being an author, podcaster, speaker and HR professional, she has her own international sourcing company.
HR is a world that many of us don’t understand. Are they for you? Are they against you? There’s so much to unpack.
I think you’ll like this one…
Thanks for listening

Wednesday Nov 15, 2023

PART 1!!
Hey there.
10 episodes in… and we’re only getting better.
I want to introduce you to my first guest… Sarah Alonge. As well as being an author, podcaster, speaker and HR professional, she has her own international sourcing company.
HR is a world that many of us don’t understand. Are they for you? Are they against you? There’s so much to unpack.
I think you’ll like this one…
Thanks for listening

Episode 9 - I GOT A JOB!!!

Wednesday Nov 01, 2023

Wednesday Nov 01, 2023

Hey there.
As you can see from the title, this episode is about the fact that I found a job... HIP HOORAY, right? Or maybe not... Maybe I'm in way over my head, and what seemed right isn't actually right "for me".
This isn't your typical episode. The right thing at the wrong time, can be the wrong thing. And I want to explore that dichotomy with you all.
I know you're going to enjoy this one.
Happy Listening!

Wednesday Oct 18, 2023

Hey there.This is Episode 8 of 'I Got Fired Last Week'. In this episode, I'm exploring the concept of Time: What it is? Why am I running out of it? What should it look like?My encouragement to you is this... we can't change the past. But we do have control over our present, and that will determine our future.
Let's talk about it... Happy Listening!

Episode 7 - How to be replaceable

Wednesday Oct 04, 2023

Wednesday Oct 04, 2023

This is Episode 7.
In this episode, I work through an interesting but tricky conundrum... How do I train others so they are competent, but no so competent that I get replaced. My answer is that you should always be replaceable. When you teach, you're emptying yourself of the old stuff and making space for something new.
Hope you enjoy this one.

Episode 6 - Q&A

Wednesday Sep 20, 2023

Wednesday Sep 20, 2023

Hey. This is Episode 6. I've been getting great feedback from you about the topics I've been speaking on. In this episode, I address a number of questions that you've either sent in, or we've spoken about personally. Hope you learn from other people's thoughts. Happy Listening

Wednesday Sep 06, 2023

Hey. This is Episode 5.
Misery loves company... And it would be easy enough to find things to wine about. But that only gets us so far!
In this episode, I talk about ways to start rebuilding confidence and getting yourself back in the driving seat of your life and career, post-work break-up.
Happy Listening

Episode 4 - Money, Money, Money

Wednesday Aug 23, 2023

Wednesday Aug 23, 2023

Hey. This is Episode 4.
Let's face it... The hardest bit about being out of work is not knowing how long it will last, and where the money will come from.
I use this episode to walk through some of the options you have available and provide you with some super useful resources.
Happy Listening.


Who am I?

Hey. I'm your host Sam Iremiren. I have a passion and a deep desire to help people grow and excel in every area. If this podcast resonates with you, please share it with someone so they can benefit from it, as well.

Appreciate you!

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